A Place to Run

In my last post, I started to think about how one creates software.

It’s natural to think about creating software as an exercise in coding. It is that, but it’s more.

If you think about your mind as an abstract reasoning engine, you’re right.

That mind, though, is software that runs on hardware.

The hardware of your mind is your brain.

Your brain is a component of a system operating to make the mind work.

Your software, like your mind, only works if you have a place to deploy it.

Your mind will not run optimally if there is dysfunction in the hardware of your body.

Your software needs a healthy place to run in order to fulfill its function.

So to start creating software, we need to think about where the software will run.

We need to create infrastructure.

Getting started on a sotware project means setting up the environments in which it will run.

The next several posts I write are going to be about setting up infrastructure on which to run the software.

In particular, infrastructure is best when it is deliberately created, versioned, reviewed, and automatically deployed.

We’re about to embark on a series on Infrastructre as Code.